Date(s) - 22/03/2023
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Hello PNB members,
Please save Wed March 22, 2-5pm in your calendars for an important PNB EDI event. More details to come, but it will be a 2-hourworkshop on leadership skills and a 1-hour informal session (4-5pm) to brainstorm next steps in EDI initiatives. I hope that even if you’re not free for the full 3 hours, you can find some time between 4-5pm to drop by and share some thoughts.
To the extent that you are teaching or have teaching-related duties, I ask that instructors consider offering an alternative exercise to your class so that you and your TAs can attend this event (e.g., watch a recorded lecture, do independent research, write, engage in an self-reflective exercise about EDI, etc).
More details will follow, but I wanted to spread the word now before your calendar fills up. I hope to see many of you there!