Initialize R with the following commands:

load(url("") )

1 Spot detection thresholds

  1. The data frame spot contains data from an experiment that used a 2(age) x 2 (luminance) x 3 (duration) factorial design to investigate how visual sensitivity (for a spot presented on a uniform, grey background) varies with age (young vs. old), background luminance (low vs high), and stimulus duration (d1 (short), d2 (medium), d3 (long)). The dependent variable was contrast sensitivity. Twelve participants were assigned to each condition.

2 Story Presentation and Organization

  1. An experiment examined how comprehension of a statistics lecture is affected by the mode of presentation and its organization. Undergraduate students were presented with material on the analysis of variance, and their comprehension of the material was tested one day later. The lecture was presented in three modes: audio only (i.e., a podcast), visual only (i.e., a written document), and audiovisual (i.e., a combination of podcast and written document). In addition, the statistics material was either organized or disorganized. The data are stored in the data frame learning, which contains the factors sID (subject ID), mode, and material, and the dependent variable comprehension.

3 Anorexia study

  1. The data frame anorexia contains the results from an experiment that examined the effectiveness of three types of therapy (behavioural, cognitive, and psychodynamic) for inducing weight loss (wt) in adolescent girls who were high or low in neuroticism. The factors therapy and neuroticism were crossed factorially, but the design was unbalanced.