In this note I want to highlight an issue that occurs when you are using the emmeans package to perform a Scheffe test.

I’m going to illustrate the issue with an analysis on the following data:

options(contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly")) # IMPORTANT
a <- 5
n <- 10
N <- a*n
y.bar <- 0.9*c(-1/2,-1/2,0,0,1)
score <- 100+5*(rep(x=y.bar,each=n) + rnorm(N,0,1))
group <- factor(x=rep(x=seq(1,a),each=n),labels="g",ordered=F)
df0 <- data.frame(group,score)
##  group       score      
##  g1:10   Min.   : 88.1  
##  g2:10   1st Qu.: 97.0  
##  g3:10   Median :101.1  
##  g4:10   Mean   :101.2  
##  g5:10   3rd Qu.:105.7  
##          Max.   :112.8

First I will do a plain-vanilla ANOVA.

aov.01 <- aov(score~group,data=df0)
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## group        4    200    50.1    1.63   0.18
## Residuals   45   1382    30.7

2 Four planned contrasts

Next, we will perform four orthogonal contrasts using the following weights.

c1 <- c(-1/4,-1/4,-1/4,-1/4,1)
c2 <- c(-1/2,-1/2,1/2,1/2,0)
c3 <- c(-1,1,0,0,0)
c4 <- c(0,0,-1,1,0)
cMat <- ginv(rbind(c1,c2,c3,c4)) # our coding matrix

First, I will use the aov and split commands.

contrasts(df0$group) <- cMat 
contrasts(df0$group) # our coding matrix
##    [,1]         [,2]         [,3]         [,4]
## g1 -0.2 -5.00000e-01 -5.00000e-01  1.11041e-17
## g2 -0.2 -5.00000e-01  5.00000e-01  3.63225e-17
## g3 -0.2  5.00000e-01 -7.10914e-17 -5.00000e-01
## g4 -0.2  5.00000e-01 -8.11958e-17  5.00000e-01
## g5  0.8  1.35912e-17 -5.34703e-17 -2.80000e-17
aov.02 <- aov(score~group,data=df0) # re-do anova
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## group        4    200    50.1    1.63  0.183  
##   group: c1  1    152   151.8    4.94  0.031 *
##   group: c2  1     44    43.6    1.42  0.240  
##   group: c3  1      5     4.9    0.16  0.691  
##   group: c4  1      0     0.0    0.00  0.982  
## Residuals   45   1382    30.7                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Intercept)      group1      group2      group3      group4 
## 101.1590132   4.3553954   2.0878661  -0.9926173   0.0577542

Next, I will perform the contrasts using emmeans. Notice that the p values are the same as those in the ANOVA. If the contrasts were planned, then only contrast c1 would be significant. Also note that the values of the contrasts (in the estimate column) are the same as the coefficients/alpha’s from our linear model.

aov.em <- emmeans(aov.02,specs="group")
con <- contrast(aov.em,method=list(c1,c2,c3,c4))

3 Four post-hoc contrasts

Now let’s consider the case where the contrasts were performed after looking at the data. The Scheffe test can be performed by recalculating the critical value of F that is used to reject the null hypothesis. Here is the critical value of F used in the omnibus test:

a <- 5
n <- 10
N <- a*n
alpha <- .05
( F.omnibus <- qf(1-alpha,df1=(a-1),df2=N-a) )
## [1] 2.57874

The critical value of F for the Scheffe test is obtained by multiplying F.omnibus by the degrees of freedom for group:

( F.Scheffe <- F.omnibus * (a-1))
## [1] 10.315

If c1 was post-hoc, and we used the Scheffe test to control Type I error at \(\alpha=0.05\), then contrast c1 would not be significant because the observed F for that contrast, 4.94, is less than the Scheffe critical F of 10.31.

Next we repeat the Scheffe test using the emmeans package. The commands in emmeans perform the Scheffe test by adjusting the p values, rather than adjusting the critical value of t or F used to reject the null hypothesis. Nevertheless, the conclusions about the post-hoc contrasts are the same: none of the contrasts are significant when we use the Scheffe adjustment.

aov.em <- emmeans(aov.02,specs="group")
##  contrast                         estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
##  c(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 1)   4.3554 1.96 45   2.223  0.3096
##  c(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0)         2.0879 1.75 45   1.191  0.8394
##  c(-1, 1, 0, 0, 0)                 -0.9926 2.48 45  -0.400  0.9968
##  c(0, 0, -1, 1, 0)                  0.0578 2.48 45   0.023  1.0000
## P value adjustment: scheffe method with rank 4

I want to call your attention to the last line in the output, which says the p values have been adjusted with the "scheffe method with rank 4". We will return to this point in a moment.

4 One post-hoc contrast

In the previous example we used the Scheffe test to evaluate three post-hoc contrasts. However, let’s suppose we had conducted only the first contrast (c1) and never considered the other two. Our analysis using the aov split command would have been something like the following:

contrasts(df0$group) <- c1 # define our 1 contrast
aov.03 <- aov(score~group,data=df0) # re-do anova
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## group        4    200    50.1    1.63  0.183  
##   group: c1  1    152   151.8    4.94  0.031 *
## Residuals   45   1382    30.7                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

The F and p values for this contrast are exactly the same as before, as they should be, and the critical Scheffe F also remains unchanged. Not surprisingly, the results of our Scheffe test are the same: the contrast is not significant. This result makes sense because the Scheffe adjustment does not depend on the number of contrasts that we perform. Instead, we assume that our inspection of the data allowed us to do many contrasts implicitly, and we selected the one that we thought had a chance of being significant.

Now let’s try it with the emmeans commands:

aov.em <- emmeans(aov.03,specs="group")
##  contrast                         estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
##  c(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 1)     4.36 1.96 45   2.223  0.0313
## P value adjustment: scheffe method with rank 1

Surprise! The contrast is significant using the Scheffe adjustment. What happened? Notice the last line in the output: the p values have been adjusted with the "scheffe method with rank 1", not rank 4 as before. It seems that the Scheffe adjustment used by contrast is adjusting for multiple comparisons, rather than performing a traditional Scheffe test. In the previous case we had four p values and here we have only one. Hence, in this case, the p value has not been adjusted at all. This point can be illustrated by comparing the output to the results obtained with no adjustment:

##  contrast                         estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
##  c(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 1)     4.36 1.96 45   2.223  0.0313

The p value is the same as the one obtained with the scheffe adjustment. Clearly, this is not what we want to happen because the Scheffe test should control Type I error in the case where we looked at the data and implicitly performed many contrasts. This point was discussed by the author of the emmeans package here. Fortunately, there is a simple way of addressing this issue. In the following code, I save the results of the contrast in the variable con and list the results with the summary command which includes the parameter scheffe.rank. By setting scheffe.rank to 4, which corresponds to the degrees of freedom of group, I am telling emmeans to provide the full Scheffe adjustment.

con <- contrast(aov.em,method=list(c1),adjust="scheffe")
summary(con,adjust="scheffe",scheffe.rank=4) # set rank to df for group!

Note that the p value is the same as the one obtained when we performed the Scheffe test with four orthogonal contrasts. So this is the correct way to perform the post-hoc Scheffe adjustment. Unfortunately, the scheffe.rank parameter works in the summary command but not in the contrast command, at least with emmeans version 1.8.8.

In conclusion, the correct way to the Scheffe test with emmeans is to set scheffe.rank to equal the degrees of freedom of the grouping variable, even if you perform only one post-hoc contrast.