1 Development of the Contrast Sensitivity Function

The contrast sensitivity function (CSF) relates visual sensitivity (i.e., the reciprocal of minimum contrast needed to detect a pattern) to the spatial frequency of the visual target (i.e., a sine wave grating). The CSF is an important clinical tool and also has been used to characterize visual mechanisms that constrain vision in a variety of contexts. An experiment was conducted to assess the change in the CSF in 1-3 month old human infants. Contrast sensitivity was measured for sine wave gratins with spatial frequencies of 1, 2, 3, and 4 cycles per degree.Twenty infants in three age groups (4, 8, and 12 weeks) participated in the study and each infant was tested with all four spatial frequencies. The data are stored in the long- and wide-format data frames csf.long and csf.wide, and in the matrix csf.mat.

load(url("http://pnb.mcmaster.ca/bennett/psy710/datasets/csf2022.rda") )
##      subjID     age       sf      sensitivity      
##  s1     :  4   w12:80   sf1:60   Min.   :  0.2558  
##  s2     :  4   w4 :80   sf2:60   1st Qu.:  2.9995  
##  s3     :  4   w8 :80   sf3:60   Median :  6.7183  
##  s4     :  4            sf4:60   Mean   : 11.7792  
##  s5     :  4                     3rd Qu.: 14.5027  
##  s6     :  4                     Max.   :112.1023  
##  (Other):216
##    subjID       age       sf1       sf2       sf3       sf4 
##  "factor"  "factor" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric"
  1. Use ANOVA to evaluate the effects of age and sf on sensitivity. Where necessary, correct the \(p\) values for deviations from sphericity. Do all of the \(p\) have to be adjusted? Why or why not?

  2. Use lmer in the lmerTest package to evaluate the effects of age, and sf (and interactions) with a mixed model. Treat subj as a random factor and all the other factors as fixed. Evaluate the fixed effects with \(F\) tests that assume sphericity and chi-square tests that do not assume sphericity.

  3. Use lme in the nlme package to evaluate the effects of age, and sf (and interactions) with a mixed model. Treat subj as a random factor and all the other factors as fixed. For this model, assume that the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals is not compound symmetric. In other words, allow the correlations between levels of the within-subject factor to vary (i.e., not be a constant value). List the ANOVA table for the fixed effects.

  4. Use Tukey tests to evaluate the pairwise differences among age groups (while ignoring spatial frequency).

  5. Use a linear contrast to determine if the quadratic trend of sensitivity across spatial frequency differed across ages. Use Tukey tests to do pairwise comparisons of the quadratic trends in each age group.