You may collaborate with other students when completing this assignment.

Create a new script file. The first several lines should be:

# NAME: <<your-name-here>>
# STUDENT ID: <<your-id-here>>
# COLLABORATORS: <<list names of collaborators>>

set.seed(7125) # initialize random number generator

In your script, perform the following operations:

# NAME: <<your-name-here>>
# STUDENT ID: <<your-id-here>>
# COLLABORATORS: <<list names of collaborators>>

set.seed(7125) # initialize random number generator

# - create two sets of 50 normal random numbers with means of 40 and standard deviations of 6
# - save the two sets of numbers in variables named `var1` and `var2`
var1 <- rnorm(50,40,6)
var2 <- rnorm(50,40,6)

# - put `var1` and `var2` in a data frame named `myData.df0`
myData.df0 <- data.frame(var1,var2)

# - save `var1`, `var2`, and `myData.df0` in a *single* data file on your computer
# save(var1,var2,myData.df0,file="theDataFileName.rda")

# - calculate the mean, min, and max for the variables in `myData.df0`
sapply(myData.df0,mean) # mean for each variable
##     var1     var2 
## 41.61795 39.84187
sapply(myData.df0,range) # range [min,max] for each variable
##          var1     var2
## [1,] 29.16996 25.42608
## [2,] 54.11855 51.69011
# alternative 1:
##       var1            var2      
##  Min.   :29.17   Min.   :25.43  
##  1st Qu.:36.61   1st Qu.:36.17  
##  Median :41.56   Median :40.41  
##  Mean   :41.62   Mean   :39.84  
##  3rd Qu.:46.46   3rd Qu.:43.68  
##  Max.   :54.12   Max.   :51.69

# alternative 2:
## [1] 41.61795
## [1] 39.84187
## [1] 29.16996 54.11855
## [1] 25.42608 51.69011

# - create a scatter plot of `var1` and `var2` 
#     - make sure the x and y axes have the same scale
#     - add a dotted identity line (i.e., x=y)
#     - name the x and y axes `score 1` and `score 2`, respectively

LimMin <- min(c(range(myData.df0$var1),range(myData.df0$var2)))
LimMax <- max(c(range(myData.df0$var1),range(myData.df0$var2)))
     xlab="score 1",
     ylab="score 2")
abline(a=0,b=1,lty=3) # add identity line

# - upload your script onto Avenue 2 Learn